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My math classes are called Mathematical Explorations because although we follow the traditional concepts covered in the text, I try to explore some topics in-depth and incorporate other activities within the math classes. Check your son/daughter's grade level page on the Home page to see the current topics, projects and assignments.
Math in the real world is not just working with page after page of computation, so I include several cross-curricular activities in lessons and assignments. Vocabulary study, writing, historical connections, the arts, research, technology and the sciences are an integral part of our class.
If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions or concerns feel free to call, stop in, email me, send a note. I have set up a Math Discussion area for you to use also.
Get involved - Have fun!
Parents are encouraged to get involved in the math with their child. For example, once in a while ask your son/daughter to teach YOU the math concept being studied. It's a good way to reinforce the material and will help the student internalize the information.
Students' grades will be based on chapter test scores (50%), homework quizzes (10%) and projects/activities (40%). I expect students to maintain an A or B average in the advanced elementary classes and an A, B, or C in the regular grade level class. I will contact you if your child’s grade falls below that.
A pre-test (Form A) is given at the beginning of each chapter to help me determine what students already know and how to pace the unit. It will also give you and the student an idea of what we will be working on.
There are 1-3 quizzes interspersed per chapter covering
the immediate topics in the lessons. The tests are at the end of each chapter
and based on material from the entire chapter.
I try to work in one or two projects per quarter, along with some
additional small activities. Most of the work for these will usually be done in class.
group chapters in the math book that have a common theme, therefore we do not
always follow the order in the book. Assignments
from the math text are learning tools. Students
check their own and we discuss them to make sure the concept is understood.
Students are expected to make corrections on these, but they will not be
graded or collected. It is
important that students make an attempt to do the few text practice items
(usually the odd numbered), even if their answer may be way off.
It gets them thinking and encourages healthy risk-taking. Besides, they won’t have to worry about a poor grade as the
assignments are not graded at all. Students
are encouraged to work ahead of where our class discussion is.
My past experience is that this enables the students to ask specific
questions on points they don’t understand.
I understand
that there will be times when students do not have an assignment completed the
very next day. Family activities
are important and students have other classes, too. This will not be a problem unless it evident that the student
is not able to understand the concept well without doing the assignment (poor
quiz scores, poor class participation, etc.).
I will contact you if that occurs. It
is important that the student has the material completed/understood by the
homework quiz. Students who
demonstrate exceptional mastery of the material may even be excused from
the text homework.
Seventh graders will be using Scott Foresman - Addison Wesley Middle School MATH: Course 2.
Sixth graders will also be using Scott Foresman - Addison Wesley Middle School MATH: Course 2, but at a faster pace as part of the accelerated math program.
Third through fifth graders will be using Silver Burdett - Ginn, but at the 5th and 6th grade levels and at a faster pace as part of the accelerated math program.
Donna Pintarelli
K-12 Resource Teacher G/T Coord.
School District of Wausaukee
N11941 Hwy 141
P.O. Box 258
Wausaukee, WI 54177
Phone/VoiceMail: 715 856-5152
Ext. 160
Fax #: 715 856-6592
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